How we teamed up with The Diet Doc
We learned from the best-of-the-best by following the teachings of Dr. Joe Klemczewski (Diet Doc founder/The God Father of Flexible Dieting) while working with Dr. Kori Propst (Health Psychologist) personally as her client. In March of 2019 we had the opportunity to join their team of Clinicians! When you join The Movement, you will not only learn from Alexa and Meredith but from the Doctors themselves! Dr. Joe will dive in to the science of nutrition while Dr. Kori brings us the psychology behind dieting.
“Heading home this morning after a jam-packed Saturday training The Diet Doc's newest (March 2019) owners, Alexa Miller and Meredith Reiber. These people! I cannot say enough about the integrity, energy, honesty, and depth they bring to The Diet Doc team of nutrition, fitness, and health coaching professionals!
Owner and GM of an Anytime Fitness, Alexa and Meredith share a passion for meeting the varied lifestyle needs of their members- mind, body, spirit. I'm honored to be a mentor and friend to these women and cannot wait for them to introduce the best nutrition coaching services available to their program roster!
After a full day of masterminding on topics like client psychology, change processes, social media mastery, business sales and marketing, client development and product/service convenience, stay tuned, guys! This is just the beginning of so much more communication and building together!”